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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 in the meeting room of the Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.

Present:  Bob Geckle, Andy Willie, Walt Motyka, John Madzula, Mike Holmes and Brian White.  

Absent:  Kathy Furey and John Reed.

Also Present:  Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management Corp), Ed Marks, Parks & Recreation Chairman, One member of the press.

Public Participation:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:  Mike Holmes made a motion to accept the minutes from the March 17, 2010 meeting.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion.

All in attendance voted unanimously.

Finance:  Brian White gave an overview of the monthly financial report that he presented to everyone.  (See Attached).

The only real change from last months report was the Town paid O&G Construction $565,000.00 toward change orders from the Municipal Center and part of the Stratford Remediation.

Bob Geckle asked Maria DeMarco about the changes made to the budget because of the reduction in electrical usage through-out the campus.  Ms. DeMarco stated that the amount removed from the operating budget was $75,000.

Mr. Geckle discussed if there were any left over funds that could be put towards several upkeep projects that needed to be done around the campus.

Mr. Geckle and Mr. White will look into what funds will be available.

Mr. Geckle asked Ms. DeMarco where the operating budget would end up at the end of the fiscal year.  Ms. DeMarco stated that the budget is running very close and that there is a possibility of is running over.

Mr. Geckle state that was one of the reasons that he wants to review all areas of the budget because he thinks that there will be funds left in the “non-DeMarco” i.e. the consulting fees, clerk’s salary.  These funds will cover the shortfalls of the operating budget.

Operations:  Ms. DeMarco gave an update of her monthly report.  The garbage around the campus has increased so Ms. DeMarco hired a young man to do a clean up of the campus.

Ms. DeMarco suggested that three or four trash cans be purchased for the parking lot and around the Newtown Municipal Center to give the residents a place dispose of their garbage.  Bob Geckle agreed that the cans should be purchased right away.  

Ms. DeMarco addressed the drainage problem at the entrance of the Fairfield Hills Campus.  A dye test was done but did not determine where the water was coming from.  Ms. DeMarco stated that it is possible that the water was coming from the Woodbury Hall area.  Ms. DeMarco stated that this problem needs to be fixed this summer because it is a real hazard during the winter months when the water runs in the street and freezes over.

Bob Geckle stated that he will be discussing this problem with the First Selectman to see what is planned to fix the problem going forward.

Ms. DeMarco stated that there was an additional Campus Use planned for May 1st and 2nd by the Botsford Fire Department.  This is a non-intrusive training session.  

Ms. DeMarco also stated that she met with the Fire Marshall and stated that the planned date of occupancy for the Emergency Operations Center is July 1, 2010.

Ms. DeMarco gave an update to the Campus Security schedule.  Ms. DeMarco previously sent an outline of the schedule to the Director of Finance.  Bob Geckle requested that this memo be forwarded to all of the Authority members for their review.

Ms. DeMarco stated that she would also discuss with the Newtown Police Chief the possibility of the Bike Police patrol working around the campus.  This would not be able to start until the school year ends.

Andy Willie asked about the Town Constables.  Mr. Willie stated that he did not know what authority they had but maybe they could help to patrol the Campus.

Walt Motyka stated that the Newtown Police park a cruiser on Main Street by the flagpole to prevent traffic violations.  Mr. Motyka made the suggestion that the same thing could be done on the Fairfield Hills Campus as a deterrent to vandalism.  Ms. DeMarco said she would include this idea in her discussion with the Police Chief.

At this time Bob Geckle brought up for discussion the aircraft accident that occurred on April 2, 2010 to have guidelines to prevent this from ever happening again.  Mr. Geckle stated that this electrolyte landed in the high meadow and was being driven on the sidewalk but ran into the post that holds the security gate in place.  The person driving the aircraft was seriously injured.  The concern of the Authority was that this accident could have injured several more people because the trails are so heavily populated.  
Bob Geckle discussed this issue with Planning and Zoning who suggested that the guidelines have to be for the overall campus not just for the trails.
Bob Geckle stated that they also wanted input from Parks & Recreation.

Ed Marks, the chairman of the Parks & Recreation Commission, suggested that they put out signs stating what is permitted on the campus because trying to list all that is not permitted would be to lengthy.  Mr. Marks suggested that all motorized vehicles were prohibited -  Only non-motorized vehicles allowed.

Andy Willie, Amy Mangold and Ed Marks are going to work together to come up with the correct wording for the safety guidelines for the Fairfield Hills Campus.
At this time Bob Geckle showed everyone the mock-ups for the proposed directional signs for the campus.  Mr. Geckle stated that these were just ideas.  Walt Motyka stated that he would work on them.  Maria DeMarco is going to get quotes for the signs.

Bob Geckle was asked by John Reed to discuss the possibility of the new Real Estate Broker having keys to the buildings he is representing so he can have access 24/7.  

Walt Motyka stated that the Broker should have to sign the keys out and let Security know that he is going in to the buildings just to make sure that someone is aware that the building have been entered and to make sure that they are re-secured.  

The suggestion was made that this could be done through the Newtown Police Department.

Relay for Life:  This event is scheduled for May 5th, 2010 on the soccer field on the Fairfield Hills Campus.

Bob Geckle received an e-mail requesting that a banner be put up on the campus advertising this event.  Mr. Geckle stated that this will have to go through Planning & Zoning to make sure it is within code.  

Maria DeMarco stated that she has not had the planning meeting for this event yet to make sure all of the details are covered.  

Ed Marks stated that he would follow-up with the person in charge of this event to set up the meeting with Ms. DeMarco.

Planning:  At this time Bob Geckle informed the Authority that he will be stepping down as Chairman of the Authority and that the search for a replacement is underway.  This business will be discussed at the next Authority meeting.

Adjourned:  At this time Andy Willie made a motion to adjourn.  John Madzula seconded the motion.  Meeting adjourned at 8:48p.m.

                                                        Bob Geckle
MJM                                                     Chairman